I'm sure that the attribute values are set on xbinder structure, But XBinder always lost all values when it encodes.
ex code)
Init_a_ELEM(&pctxt, &a_ELEM);
a_ELEM.u.attr1.value = blurblur;
a_ELEM.u.attr2 = int_val;
rtXmlSetEncBufPtr(&pctxt, ouput_string, 1024);
XmlE_a_ELEM(&pctxt, &a_ELEM);
<a />
So I was googling, but the result is useless...
When I see the sample code, I found something...and changed the code
ex code)
Init_a_ELEM(&pctxt, &a_ELEM);
a_ELEM.u.attr1.value = blurblur;
a_ELEM.u.attr2 = int_val;
a_ELEM.m.attr1Present = TRUE; //added
a_ELEM.m.attr2Present = TRUE; //added
rtXmlSetEncBufPtr(&pctxt, ouput_string, 1024);
XmlE_a_ELEM(&pctxt, &a_ELEM);
<a attr1="blurblur" attr2="int_val"/>
o,.0);;; it works;;;;
Why did I write this useless article?
Because there are so many people who did kill the time as like me..;;
Lecture & Tip/linux programming[리눅스]